Earn up to
4.40% APY*
Barclays Tiered Savings
Elevate your savings with a rate up to 7x the national average based on qualifying balances**
Balance Tier | APY |

Security that works
Enjoy secure, 24/7 online access to your funds.
Freedom from fees
No monthly maintenance fees and no minimum balance required to open.
Savings done right
Easy direct deposits and online transfers.
Tiered Savings Calculator
See how much your savings can grow. Enter a deposit amount and duration into the calculator.
* Barclays Tiered Savings Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) are accurate as of XX/XX/XXXX and may change at any time without prior notice, before or after the account is opened. The APYs are determined by the Balance Tiers (Tiers) and the amount deposited. The same rate may apply to multiple Tiers and Tiers may change without notice. APY is calculated based on the Tier into which the end of day account balance falls. Fees could reduce the earnings on the account. No minimum balance to open, but for interest to post to your account you must maintain a minimum balance that would earn you at least $0.01. Please see the Compare Account Page for current Tier and APY information.
** The APY for the Barclays Tiered Savings account for balance tiers $0 to <$10,000, $10,000 to <$25,000, $25,000 to <$100,000, $100,000 to <$250,000, and $250,000 to $1,000,000 are currently 7X the national average of 0.41% APY, based on the national average of savings account rates published in the FDIC's National Rates and Rate Caps, accurate as of 3/17/2025.